Wednesday, May 21, 2014

California, Part 3 - Hiking about

Being in Northern California was amazing because there was always so much to see. At first I really did not care for driving, because I'm from a place where we flattened out everything and paved it twice to make getting from point A to B as simple as possible. This is not true of Sonora and its surroundings, where a winding road leads to another and everything takes twenty minutes to get to, at least. Along these roads, however, you can pull off to the side and see some truly amazing sites. This post is dedicated to the world I had to see just by parking on the shoulder and wandering off.

That's me, on a cliff. For the first time, I mean that literally. 

I didn't get a ton of night/long-exposure work done, so here's the only one. 
Edit: I got a request for how I did the above photo, so here's the details: Tripod is a must, and I used varied exposures of 8 to 30 seconds until I got what I wanted. Set your ISO to 1600 (or as high as it goes without getting grainy) and then put all your adjustments into Aperature -- open it up (low f/stop number) and make that your only variable for a bit.

This was an amazing time. My wife took the first one (of me), but the rest are all me. As I've said with all California posts, if you are interested in a full resolution for a print, just shoot me an email. Thanks!


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