Monday, December 22, 2014

Ben's Encore - Bennyfit!

There are many excuses for why you haven't seen posts from me lately, but I won't trouble you with them. Let's just go ahead and get things started with two posts about Ben's Encore, a simply fantastic organization that provides music lesson scholarships to kids. I've spoken about them before with the Hamtramck Music Festival and I also covered their back to school event this year -- actually, in the end I covered every event this year, and ended up getting awarded for it. I'm humbled to be considered their Volunteer of the Year for 2014, and here's a display of their work to support them further.

Part I: Bennyfit. This was a huge charity concert at Small's Bar in Hamtramck. Many bands, including Ben's former outfit of Karenin's Smile, graced the stage that night, and I got some of my best concert shots since Blowout.

Ben's father rocking with his former band.

Okay, be right back with part two!

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